Leadership (Rudder)

The SMPO is led by a Board of Directors, also known as the Rudder Committee. All Rudder positions are up for election every year, with the exception of President and Business Manager. (The Vice President automatically assumes the President position, and the Business Manager in Training automatically assumes the Business Manager position.) All positions can be shared, except the Business Manager. LSDMC and ILT reps serve two-year terms. Positions are elected at the General Parent Meeting in April for the following school year.


The 2024–2025 Rudder Committee

Past Presidents: Kim Fulbright, Courtney Ryan

President: Alex Shepherd

Vice President: Ally Jones

Executive Secretary: Courtney Ryan

Business Manager: Amy Malmstrom sandsbusinessmanager@gmail.com

Business Manager in Training:

Community Coordinators (2): Allyse Sonnega and Michelle Durban

3–6 Teacher Representative: Beth Tracy-Kaliski

6-9 Teacher Representative: Karen Huneke

9-12 Teacher Representative: Lisa Bowden

Intervention Team Representative: Jake Ottlinger

Teacher Representative: Robyn Appino, Kris Spurgeon

Sands Extracurricular Program (SEP) Coordinator: Meghan Covey sandssepcoordinator@gmail.com

Volunteer Coordinator: Samantha Trumble

Fundraising Coordinator: Dave Rolfes and Erin Heitsch

Communications Coordinator: LeAnn Gardner smpocommunications@gmail.com

Technology Coordinator: Andrea Moneypenny

Athletics Coordinator: Jimmy Franxman

LSDMC: Jeff Hart, Kari Armbruster, Nikki Marksbury, Richard Grosse

ILT: Kristin Neidich


Extracurricular Rudder Officer Duties

President: Presides at all meetings of the SMPO and Rudder. Establishes the agenda and goals for the current year. Represents the SMPO at school board meetings when deemed necessary by the Rudder.  

Vice President: Acts as an aide to the President and is considered “President-In-Training.” The Vice President becomes President the following year.

Business Manager: Receives all monies of the SMPO and serves as primary contact with the bank handling SMPO funds. Keeps records of receipts and expenditures.

Business Manager in Training:​ ​Works alongside the Business Manager and takes over as Business Manager the following year.

Executive Secretary: Records the minutes of all Rudder meetings and maintains the official documents of the SMPO including the bylaws, correspondence, and minutes.

Community Coordinators: Engages with families at school events and activities where there is opportunity to connect families with the school community. Develops plans for events and activities with the purpose of community-building with Sands students, staff, and caregivers. Coordinates teacher appreciation activities and collaborates with the School Resources Coordinator to engage the Sands Community with the wider Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, CPS, and Montessori communities

3–6 Team Coordinator: Meets with team teachers on a regular basis to discuss needs and concerns. Assists room parents in developing phone trees and class directories. Coordinates with the Vice-President and the other team representatives in developing a school-wide directory. Assists the Parent-At-Large in his/her hospitality duties.

6–9 Team Coordinator: Identical to 3–6 Team Coordinator, but for the 6–9 team.

9–12 Team Coordinator: Identical to 3–6 Team Coordinator, but for the 9–12 team.

Sands Enrichment Program (SEP) Coordinator:Coordinates after-school enrichment programs for students at Sands Montessori.

Volunteer Coordinator: Recruits and deploys parents to perform scheduled and non-scheduled volunteer duties at SMPO and school functions. Serves as the main contact person for volunteer requests from the school and SMPO committees.

Fundraising Coordinator: Oversees all major fundraising events for the SMPO and no-cost fundraising.

Communications​ ​Coordinator:Responsible for coordinating and compiling information useful for Sands families and staff to be distributed via email, website, social media or other relevant mode of communication.

Technology Coordinator: Monitors maintenance and updating of SMPO website. May serve as the parent representative to the school’s technology committee.

Athletics Coordinator: Coordinates sports programs at the school, including coordinating with Cincinnati Recreation Commission. Recruits volunteer coaches for the after-school programs. The Athletics coordinator oversees the management of the soccer, basketball, volleyball and baseball programs.

LSDMC Representative (2): Serves as parent member on the Local School Decision Making Committee, the primary governing body for the school, which gives insight and input into decisions that impact students’ lives and shape their education experiences. Two positions are open.

ILT Representative (1): Serves on the Sands Instructional Leadership Team (ILT), which focuses specifically on improving instruction at the school, including curriculum program, staff training and developing school budget. SMPO does not vote on candidates for ILT, but collects nominations on behalf of LSDMC.