Email communication has become the standard form of communication between people in most organizations.  Email is incredibly effective.  Email is also permanent.  Once an opinion or position is written and sent in an email, that communication will be available for the unforeseeable future.  Email is also somewhat informal.  Effective communication often occurs in direct contact where facial expressions, gestures and tones of voice can be used to understand the communication.  This non verbal communication is missing in an email.  Therefore, proper and professional email etiquette is necessary to:

  1. convey and maintain a professional and positive relationship with the general parent body,
  2. keep emails concise and efficient,
  3. avoid disrespectful and inflammatory interchanges that harm the image of the Rudder, SMPO and Sands Montessori, and
  4. protect the Rudder, SMPO and Sands Montessori from liability.

SMPO Email Policy

Email sent through the SMPO list serve email directories must be limited to:

  • information or requests related to SMPO or Rudder business such as volunteering, fundraising, hospitality, and teacher/staff/parent communications.
  • the email listing will not be used to advertise services or products, however emails may be sent by the administrator with links to these types of services should the reader decide to pursue the link.
  • the email listing will not be used to solicit or promote any sort of political agenda or cause regardless of whether the initiator is an SMPO member.
  • Rudder officers are authorized to author, approve and send emails through the email list within their area of responsibility, without prior approval from the administrator provided that officer has been trained in Constant Contact and has read and initialed the Email Best Practices Policy.

This email policy will allow us to increase the effectiveness of the email system, while reducing email strain on parents and reducing the workload of the technology coordinator.

Approved and Implemented  September 2010

SMPO Email Best Practices Guidelines

Please use your best efforts and intentions to follow the these guidelines.

  • Send emails that are relevant, polite and concise.
  • Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.
  • List a clear explanation in the email subject line so readers can determine whether or not the email is relevant for them.
  • Do not attach unnecessary files or files that are too large for most readers to download.
  • Do not use email to discuss confidential information.
  • Do not send or forward emails that are libelous, offensive, racist or obscene.
  • Attempt to keep language gender neutral.
  • Limit the use of humor, irony or sarcasm in emails, in that these are often misunderstood in written form and can be hurtful or offensive if misunderstood.
  • Limit the use of abbreviations and emoticons.
  • Be factual in emails and limit the amount of personal opinion or persuasion in emails.  We have a large and diverse parent audience and the goal of SMPO is to remain inclusive of all families.
  • Do not make personal remarks about third parties.
  • Do not send emails with a political or personal agenda.
  • Do not copy or forward messages and/or attachments without permission from the originator.
  • Please do not send emails when you are angry or frustrated.  Do not type in CAPITALS or overuse punctuation such as exclamation marks (“!”).
  • Do not conduct arguments over public email.  If a difficult, insensitive or inflammatory email is received, please respond off-line.
  • Do not mark emails as “Urgent” in an effort to emphasize the importance of the email.  Urgent emails should be sent sparingly.

Approved and Implemented  September 2010