2023 Spring Carnival & Earth Day Celebration Recap
Thank you everyone for making our carnival a success once again! From the many hours volunteers put in, to our sponsors, to the Sands choir and Clark Steel Drum band, and to everyone who came out and had a fun time, again, thank you! We cannot make this event happen without our community rallying together! Special thanks to all of our partners and guest speakers, including Congressman Greg Landsman and Board Member Eve Bolton.
The SMPO would also like to ackowledge Emily McNicholas and Erin Woods for their tireless efforts year after year making the carnival come together. We appreciate you! We would also like to thank the amazing “carnival crew” that helped Emily and Erin. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Special thanks to Becky Economou, Jessica Cox, Jon Paasch, Lauren Mai, Kari Armbruster, and all others who gave their time.
Our earth day celebration and nature playscape also got a shout-out from CPS.
Thanks to our 2023 Carnival sponsors:
Armbruster Impact Management
J. Thomas Hodges, Attorney at Law
Hampton Architects
Cincy Auto Pros
Kevin Haworth
Suzanna Lee Ward
2023 Spring Carnival & Earth Day Celebration – Details

Volunteers Needed!
Come help out at the carnival! If you can spare a little time, we could really use it so we aren’t forced to shut down game stations! We cannot do this without you! We ask each classroom to staff a game and we need help with set-up and tear-down! Visit our Carnival Sign Up Genius to review available slots.
Game and Split-the-Pot Tickets:
Skip the line at the Carnival! Packages of game tickets and split the pot tickets are already on sale and will be available for purchase at https://sandsmontessori.
Packages include: Family Fun Pack – 110 tickets for $50 (10 free tickets); Game Pack – 60 tickets for $30; and Eagle Pack – 30 tickets for $15!
Help us fundraise by selling split-the-pot-tickets! Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. Look for a paper copy of tickets to sell in folders sent home this week or print your own here. Collect money and send in an envelope by Wednesday, April 20! The student in each grade level who sells the most split-the-pot tickets will win 20 free game tickets and a Carnival t-shirt!!
Cake-Walk and 2-Liter Toss donations:
We will start collecting cake walk and 2-Liter toss donations the week of the event! Start thinking of what delicious treats and favorite special sodas you’d like to contribute! Allergen-friendly items welcome!
Family and Corporate Sponsorships and Vendors:
Does your Company have a matching gift program? Do you know a small business that would like to reach Sands Families? Do you want to support the Carnival but can’t attend? Please consider a Family sponsorship OR reach out to your contacts to see if they would be interested in serving as a corporate sponsor. Varying levels of sponsorships are available! See the sponsorship packet.
Carnival T-Shirts:
Carnival T-Shirts are now available for preorder! T-Shirts start at just $10 a piece and available in Youth and Adult Sizes. Buy them here!
Come to the Carnival! We are so excited to see everyone and engage in a day of togetherness, old-fashioned fun and games and delicious food from local food trucks!