Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)

The Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) focuses specifically on improving instruction at the school, including the curriculum program, staff training, and developing the school budget.


The ILT is made up of administration, teachers, non-teaching staff and two parent representatives. The parent representatives serve alternating two-year terms (one is chosen each year). Nominations for ILT are done in April. Parent members of the LSDMC choose the ILT representative from the nominees.

The 2024–2025 ILT parent representatives are Kristin Neidich.


The ILT holds open meetings on the first and third Friday of each month, starting at 8am. The ILT is not part of the SMPO or the Rudder, but three groups (LSDMC, ILT and SMPO) work independently as committees to help better the Sands community and on issues that affect the school.

Sands Montessori Communication Form

The spirit of the Sands Montessori Communication Form is to help provide a best practice to foster communication. Best efforts should be taken to share requests, concerns, and successes, with homeroom teachers first, before being brought to administration. Sands Montessori is committed to creating an environment where teaching and learning can prosper in alignment with the Montessori philosophy of positive collaboration between students, teachers, and parents. We value your input. Thank you for supporting our wonderful school.