Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC)

The Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC) is the primary governing body for the school. This committee gives insight and input into important decisions that greatly impact students’ lives and shape their educational experiences.

The function of the LSDMC includes:

  • adopting bylaws, including the school’s mission and vision
  • setting measurable school goals, based on a needs assessment
  • developing a broad plan (OnePlan) to implement those goals
  • completing a mid-year & end-of-year goal progress report
  • making recommendations and approving the school’s budget
  • participating in the selection of the principal, when a vacancy exists
  • approving locally initiated changes in the school’s program or focus
  • making recommendations to the principal regarding other school issues
  • seeking grants to support the school’s programs (optional)
  • coordinating and overseeing the development of the school as a Community Learning Center

 LSDMC Bylaws

The LSDMC Bylaws were amended and approved in May 2016.


LSDMC membership consists of four teachers, four staff (including principal), four parents and four community members. The parent members are elected at the April General Parent Meeting and serve a two-year term. A parent or community member is chosen by the group to be the chairperson.

The 2024–25 LSDMC Parent Members are:
Kari Armbruster
Nikki Marksbury
Richard Grosse
Jeff Hart


Open meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 4pm in the Media Center. The LSDMC is not part of the SMPO or the Rudder, but one parent member of the LSDMC serves as a liaison to the Rudder.