Did you know that the SMPO is beginning a $30,000 upgrade to the outdoor campus? That’s right! Starting this Spring and Summer, you will notice 50 trees being planted, a natural playscape being built, the installation of a shade structure, new blacktop features, and...
We have a Garden Gang of parents and students that helps keep the Sands garden beds in top top shape for the students and teachers? There are tenclasses growing food this spring! If you are interested in helping throughout the summer, let us...
”Hi, we are the Linsers. All 7 of our children have attended or will attend Sands Montessori. Adelaide and Greta are at Walnut Hills now. Simon is in 5th grade, Harry is in 4th grade, and Josie is in kindergarten. Charlie and Frankie will join them at Sands in...
Soren, Mayer, Marley, & Orion Crutcher ”The Crutcher clan at Sands has become a notable size. We often are asked ‘which Cutcher are you?’ – We are the Crutcher, Inc. clan of Mayer, Marley, Orion and Soren (now at Spencer Education...
Each year the SMPO offers mini grants totaling $5000 that teachers can apply for to collaborate and complete special projects. Since COVID delayed the grant last year, the SMPO will grant up to $10,000 this year!