”Niko joined the Sands Montessori community at age 4. He is a current 5th grader and 6th grade math student. It was evident to his 3-6 community teacher that he was demonstrating signs of giftedness in Math. Though in CPS, gifted assessment is not officially...
The SMPO has already given over $42,000 to direct teacher support just this year. Much of this money is raised by you from events such as the Read-A-Thon and the upcoming Carnival. It helps with expenses such as field trips, classroom supplies, in-school...
Dismissal Changes All dismissal changes must be called in to the office BEFORE 2:00pm! Any changes after that time cannot be guaranteed. Calling at 3:35pm is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sick/Absent Student Information CPS Protocol for sick students: *If ANY student is...